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Can I submit a product demo video?

Yes! We want to hear you talk about one of our products that you absolutely love! Create a Themes and Variations product demo and earn a free product of equal value or 3 months of access to MusicplayOnline.

We want to hear you talk about one of our products that you absolutely love! Show us why you love it and why someone else should buy it. These product demos will go on the product pages, in future promotional materials, and on our social media channels.

We aren't looking for anything fancy!

Video Sample Script


  • Introduce yourself
  • Where are you in the world?
  • What do you do?

Here are some optional questions to help guide your demo:

  • Who can this product help?
  • Who is this product for?
  • What is included in the product?
  • What do you love about the product?
  • What are the product's strengths?
  • When could you use this product?
  • Why should people know about this product?
  • Why do people need this product?
  • How can this product help someone else?
  • How is this product similar to another product?
  • How does this product benefit you and/or others?
  • How do you use this product?