How is Musicplay Approaching Culturally Responsive Education?
As Musicplay is updated, we research, consult with culture bearers, and make changes to song content to ensure that it is accessible to all of our users..
Musicplay is a PreK-Middle School elementary music curriculum that uses many traditional and composed children’s songs, singing games, folk songs, rounds, choral music, and listening examples. The development of Musicplay started in 1995, was first published in 2000, and has had many updates since then. When Denise Gagne first chose songs for the program, there was no Google to research the history of these songs.
As we have updated Musicplay we have been researching, consulting with culture bearers, and making changes to song content to ensure that our materials resonate with all students. Some songs have had word changes, some have been removed completely, and some songs have been replaced with newly composed or other traditional songs that teach the same concepts.
You can view our document here to find any affected songs.