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  2. Musicplay Workshops

How do I register for a Webinar?

You can register for a webinar by first logging in at Workshops.muscplay.ca

If you're interested in attending a webinar or workshop, it's important to log in to your Musicplay Workshops account before you begin the registration process. This account is separate from your MusicplayOnline account, so if this is your first time here you will need to create a new one.

Make sure you're logged in to the Musicplay Workshops website before you start registering for webinars and workshops. 

No account? Sign up to Musicplay Workshops for free! 

Register for a Free Webinar

Once you've found a free webinar that you'd like to attend, simply click on the thumbnail and select the green button labeled "Register Now".

Register for a Free Webinar

You'll know that you've successfully registered when the background changes to yellow and you see the webinar information displayed.

Registered for a Webinar

Purchase a Paid Workshop

For our paid workshops, click on the thumbnail to access all the relevant details, including the price. The green button will then prompt you to either create an account or use your credit card to purchase your ticket.

Purchase a paid workshop

Musicplay Workshops does not store your credit card information, and there are no recurring fees involved.