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How do I set up a district account?

Get access to your admin account, add teachers to the district account, and get students access.

If you're reading this, your administrator account for MusicplayOnline is active!  Features include the ability to manage your district’s teacher accounts, bulk import email addresses, and delete or add new users if the need arises.  You can also see at a glance if your district members have enabled their accounts. This video is a great guide for those having trouble linking their accounts to the group: 

Admin Account

Getting Access

Your district contact has set up an administrator account for you. Please connect with the Musicplay team if you have not received an email with your username and password. If your district uses Google emails, you can also use “Sign in with Google” right away.

Pro Tip!

Your account is probably using your school email address. If you don't know your password, click on the "Forgot my password" link and a temporary password will be sent to your email.

Getting the IT Infrastructure on board

Please send this list to your IT people to whitelist the domains that we use on MusicplayOnline. This will allow our site through your district's firewall.

Adding Teachers to the District Account

To access your admin settings, log into your account page here. Click on "My District" on the left side to view your district information. You will see most recent logins, number of licenses you have purchased and are using, and your expiry date. If you require additional licenses please reach out to your district contact.

There are 3 ways to add teachers to your district:

  1. Add Teacher: Adds one teacher email at a time. This will send an activation link to any newly created accounts and invite the account, whether new or existing, to join the group. They can accept the invite when they next visit their account page.
  2. Invite Link: Generate an invite link by clicking on "Invite Link" and send it to your teachers. Any teacher clicking this will get invited to the group. This works if they are currently logged in to an existing account, or if they create a new account.
  3. Bulk Import: The bulk import allows you to enter multiple email addresses and invite them all at once. After clicking the button, you can enter the emails in the box at the top. Once entered, you can click 'Format Emails' and the system will check to make sure all the emails are valid and that you have enough open seats for the group. It will also tell you if the accounts exist already or if they are new.
    When you are ready, you can click 'Start Import' and the accounts will be added to the group.

Please note:

If a teacher is having trouble accepting their invitation to your district, they can access assistance at



Next to the invite buttons there is a red 'Export' button. This will let you export a list of your groups current members.

District Resources

You can find useful resources in the top right corner under the 'District Resources' dropdown. This includes links to tutorial videos, PD options and other useful documents.

Student Access

Within each teacher account, a teacher can click on "Generate Student Code" under "Dashboard." This will give them a code students can use, and also appends the code to any links the teacher shares.

Please note:

Class codes are not personalized, are entirely generic and do not track any identifiable data. Please review our privacy policy for more information.