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How do I use Zoom for webinars?

Zoom is used for all of our live Professional Development sessions.

Zoom giving you a headache? We also stream Webinars on Youtube! These will be a link in the related links section next to the main Zoom link.


The first thing do is make sure Zoom is installed and up to date. You can view Zoom help articles on those topics here:

  1. Installing Zoom
  2. Updating Zoom

Once Zoom is installed, simply click on the Launch Zoom button on the workshop page to open the session. 

Zoom Etiquette


Please be respectful of the presenters and the participants and keep your microphone muted unless you are asking a question.

Video Camera

We would love to see you participating in the sessions but please keep in mind your surroundings and the privacy of others if you share your video camera.

In-Session Chats

The chat will be active throughout each session. Workshop sessions will have a presenter, and two members from the Musicplay Team. Every workshop session will have a period of questions at the end of the session, please post your questions throughout the presentation and the presenters will address them during the Question-and-Answer period.