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How do I use Learning Modules on MusicplayOnline?

The Learning Modules are a series of pre-built lessons on MusicplayOnline that can be used effectively for in-person or virtual classes.

Learning Modules Overview

It’s easier to visualize how to teach a lesson when activities are set out in order than it is to read a printed plan. The modules are a great way to start teaching with MusicplayOnline. You’ll get a great introduction to all areas of the website and, with the MyList feature, you can copy and edit the modules to meet your unique needs!

The Learning Modules are numbered sequentially but are also designed to thematically correspond to specific weeks of the year.

Check out the full learning modules section here.

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Components of each lesson

Each Module begins with an outline, and objectives listed as I Can statements. Song videos are presented in order. The kid demo videos make games and activities easy to teach. Modules may include rhythm practice, solfa practice, games, and interactive activities. If a written activity is included, the pdf will be found in Supporting Resources.

Check out the lesson below here.

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For information on editing and customizing Lesson Modules, see How do I use the My List feature on MusicplayOnline?

Back to School Modules

MusicplayOnline users are located all around the world and their school years begin at different times. In Canada, the school year usually starts at the beginning of September and concludes at the end of June so the Learning Modules follow that schedule. The Back to School modules are designed for those who start earlier but wish to follow the weekly learning module schedule. These lessons provide ice breakers and review concepts from the end of the previous grade. Completion of the Back to School modules do not teach new concepts and are NOT required to start with Lesson 1 in September.

Additional Modules (not grade specific)

General Section

In the General section, the Movement Fun Module has 17+ super fun movement songs. Also in the ‘General’ section, there is a great No Touch Games module.

Check out the full list here


The Holiday section has modules with many performance ideas for December Holiday concerts. There is also an Easter module and a Halloween module! Explore some great lessons using storybooks!

Check out the full list here

Please note:

For many more thematically-based materials, visit the Units section of MusicplayOnline!