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What is in the rhythm practice section on MusicplayOnline?

Rhythm Practice includes echo, poison melody, animated rhythm playalong videos, and assessments.

The solfa practice section includes preparation activities, and levels ranging from mi so all the way to so la do re mi so la do’

Related songs, assessments, and sample rubrics

Many of the levels have extra resources which may include printable flashcards, rhythm assessment sample tracking charts and rubrics, and related songs or games. 

Prepare Rhythm

You will find some excellent resources here to prepare beat, prepare rhythm (vegetable rhythms, fruit rhythms, instrument rhythms), and play rhythms on instruments and use body percussion. 

What you will find in each rhythm level?

  • Echo Rhythm
  • Poison Rhythm
  • Animated Playalong (Read, Clap and Play)
  • Flashcard Playalong 
  • Rhythm Reading Assessment
  • Listen, Say, and Clap
  • Rhythm Dictation Assessment

Please note:

This section is still under development. If you have any requests or suggestions please submit them here.