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What is in the Solfa Practice section on MusicplayOnline?

The Solfa Practice section includes preparation activities and practice resources. Additional activities are in development.


The Solfa Practice section includes resources and activities that use the moveable do system. The section includes preparation activities as well as a variety of tone sets that vary in difficulty and are sequenced accordingly. The tone sets used in our solfa practice section range from basic, such as mi so (m s), mi so la (m sl), and do mi so (d m s), to more advanced, such as do re mi fa so (drmfs). Activities with additional tone sets are in development.

What key signatures do we use?

Our solfa practice resources use C Major, D Major, F Major, and G Major. Some resources use one specific key while others include a mix of the key signatures listed above.

Prepare So-Mi

This is a wonderful section where you will find many generic printables, preparation activities (like Bobo), and the So-Me video series by Stuart Manins. 

What might you find in each tone set level?

  • Echo Sing
  • Poison Melody
  • Read Handsigns
  • Read Notation
  • Listen and Sing
  • Dictation Assessment
  • Melody Hunt

Please note:

This section is still under development. If you have any requests or suggestions please submit them here.