What will appear on my bank statement and how is Themes & Variations Inc. related to Musicplay and MusicplayOnline?

Themes & Variations Inc. is the publishing company that created the Musicplay Pre K – 6 Curriculum and MusicplayOnline.

Themes & Variations is the publishing company that created the Musicplay PreK-Middle School Curriculum and MusicplayOnline. In addition to Musicplay, Themes & Variations has published more than 200 resources for elementary music teachers.

Bank Statements

When purchasing a MusicplayOnline subscription or Musicplay package, “Themes & Variations” may appear on your bank statement for this order.

Submitting a Cheque

Please address the cheque to Themes & Variations Inc. when you are submitting payment via cheque.

If you have any questions or concerns please call our office: 1-888-562-4647