What is in the Toolbox section on MusicplayOnline?
In the Toolbox, you’ll find rhythm composition, melody composition, concept practice, virtual instruments, word walls, visuals and tuners.
Click here to view all the tools in this category. The tools currently include:
- Rhythm Composition: create a rhythm pattern and play it back using different sounds.
- Melody Composition: create a melody pattern and play it back.
Please note:
At this time the rhythm composition and melody composition tools do not save compositions. If you would like to be informed when this feature is added, please submit a ticket and select "Feature Request" and check the box that says "Saving interactive compositions".
Concept Practice
Click here to view all the tools in this category. The tools currently include:
- Dynamics Play Along
- Tap on the Beat!
- Types of Voices
- Classroom Instrument Family Sort
- Instrument Family Sort
- Tempo Sort
- Dynamic Sort
- Loud and Quiet
- Tempo Interactive
Click here to view all the tools in this category. The tools currently include:
- Guitar Tuner
- Ukulele Tuner for Baritone
- Ukulele Tuner in D
- Ukulele Tuner in C (low G)
- Ukulele Tuner in C
Virtual Instruments
Click here to view all the tools in this category. The tools currently include:
- Classroom Instrument Family Sort
- Instrument Family Sort
- Recorder / Xylophone Play Along
- Glockenspiel
- Classroom Instruments
- Barred Instruments
- Piano Interactive
- Boomwhacker Interactive
Click here to view all the tools in this category. The tools currently include:
- Tone Ladder Extended
- Tone Ladder Octave
- Form Tool
- Beat Chart 3/4
- Beat Chart 2/4
- Staff Tool
Word Walls
Click here to view all the tools in this category. The tools currently include:
- Ma creation rhythmes de mots
- Word Randomizer
- Custom Word Rhythm Generator
- Movement Words Ostinato
- Ways to Move: Non-Locomotor
- Ways to Move: Locomotor
- How Does Music Make You Feel?