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Where can I find assessments on MusicplayOnline?

Assessments on MusicplayOnline come in many different forms. Here is a quick guide to where you can find them!

The philosophy for assessments on MusicplayOnline is that we don't want to do the assessments for you, but rather provide the tools for you to create your own. To quote Denise, "Kids don’t come in little boxes.  Neither do teachers."

Lesson Planning: Scope and Sequence & What We Will Learn

The first section to look into would be the Lesson Planning section. Here, you will find many documents with TONS of information. The Scope and Sequence documents are a great starting point for seeing what the students will be learning and therefore what you can assess.

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Using Song-Specific Worksheets and Interactives

Many songs on the Song List have interactives and worksheets that can work great for assessments. Each song is different, so you will need to check to see what is available for your favorite songs. To find them, you can navigate to the song page and check under the supporting resources section.

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Using the Games as Assessment Tools

If you want something not attached to a specific song, our Games and Toolbox section have several really good options that can be used to assess students! Many of the games focus on different musical concepts. When you pick a game, scroll down the game's page to see the list of other content that is available to review. 

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Using the Rhythm Practice and Solfa Practice Sections

Most Solfa Practice and Rhythm Practice levels have a dedicated assessment section of videos. They are typically found near the bottom of the page, as shown here: 

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If you are having trouble finding anything specific, or have a suggestion for a new assessment, you can reach out to our support team here