Where do I find my receipt?
Receipts are available for your MusicplayOnline subscription, physical product, or workshop registration
How you access your receipt depends on where you purchased your item.
I paid on MusicplayOnline
- Log onto accounts.musicplay.ca
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to find Order History.
- Simply click View Order next to the order you wish to find the receipt for.
- The Invoice PDF will be at the bottom of the page.
This will only show for orders made AFTER the launch of the current accounts system in February 2024. For older orders, please email sales@musicplay.ca and the Sales Team will assist you.
I paid on the Musicplay Store
- Log onto https://store.musicplay.ca
- If you don't remember your password, click on "Forgot my password" and use the email address that you used to purchase the items.
- Once you've logged in, click on My Account.
- Scroll down to see your order history.
- Click on the order number to view the full details of your order.
If the product was shipped, a paper receipt will be included in the package.
Please note:
- The store website and MusicplayOnline do not share the same account information. These accounts are totally separate.
- If the information is not displaying properly or you need an official receipt, please email sales@musicplay.ca and request a receipt.
I paid on Musicplay Workshops
1. Log onto https://workshops.musicplay.ca/
2. Click on the green My Account button and choose Billing from the dropdown menu.
3. Scroll down the My Account page to the Order History section and click on the tab labelled Documents.
4. Click on the icon beside the applicable purchase to view, print or download your PDF receipt.
This will only show for orders made AFTER the launch of the current accounts system in February 2024. For older orders, please email sales@musicplay.ca and the Sales Team will assist you.
I faxed or emailed a Purchase Order
Send an email to our office staff and give them as much information as you can (your full name, email address, school name, district name, an administrator's name that it might have been ordered under, payment method (store website, on MusicplayOnline, over the phone, faxed, PO). You can expect a response during our business hours. If the product was shipped, a paper receipt will be included in the package.
I ordered by phone
Send an email to our office staff and give them as much information as you can (your full name, email address, school name, district name, an administrator's name that it might have been ordered under, payment method (store website, on MusicplayOnline, over the phone, faxed, PO). You can expect a response during our business hours. If the product was shipped, a paper receipt will be included in the package.