How do I find John Jacobson's materials on MusicplayOnline?

On July 1st, 2022 we joined forces with JJ and ME!

You can now find all of John Jacobson's JJ and ME resources on MusicplayOnline!

Tip: JJ and Me content is hosted on a website outside MusicplayOnline. If you aren't able to view John Jacobson content, contact your district's IT Department and ask that they whitelist This will allow the website to pass the district network's firewall.

Searching for John Jacobson on MusicplayOnline.

From the main discover page, you can click on John's picture to find his content.

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You can also search for John's content easily from the Discover search bar. First, click on the Add Filter button.

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From there, the filters will open on the side of the screen. Simply select creator, then John Jacobson.

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You can filter your results further by entering keywords in the search bar.