How does a Substitute access MusicplayOnline?
A substitute can access the site using the teacher's student code!
For tips on what to share with your Substitute, visit this article here!
As a Substitute, you should only need student code access to get onto the site. For more information on finding the student code, view this article here.
Getting a Sub Teacher Access
If it is a long-term Sub situation, or you just want them to have full access there are a few steps you can take.
Trial Account
One option is that the Sub could create a new account and utilize our 2 week free trial. This would give them their own account to plan with, and as long as they need less than 2 weeks of access it would be completely free.
Transferring Your Subscription
If the Trial account doesn't get them long enough access, one option would be to transfer your membership to the sub. This would mean you would lose access through your account, but it is a good option for long term situations. For more info on transferring the subscription you can visit this article here!
Sharing Your Account
While it is never recommended to share your login info, they could gain access that way. If you have to share your login information make sure you update your password when you get back into the classroom so that your data is safe! You can also change the password BEFORE you share it, so you don't need to give out the original one and can then change it back once the Sub no longer needs access.